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[HUE]≡ PDF Free Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

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Download PDF  Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

Across The Plane is a soul touching story that exposes every emotion a human can feel. The main character, Tom Carpenter unknowingly gets lost across the astral plane in a place his mind created. Being separated from his wife begins to take a toll on Tom; as all he has to remind him of his wife is one of her worn shirts he wraps around his pillow before he sleeps. Since he and his wife Kristi are soul mates they must find a way to reconnect or both will die. Along Tom's journey across the many parts of the plane, he finds his daughter whom he'd lost years before. From her, he retrieves the two wooden nickels he once buried with her. The power within the two wooden nickels Tom and his daughter Amy swapped back and forth to buy hugs from each other, may be enough to bring Tom back if he is willing to go the distance into hard memories still living across the plane. It's an emotionally painful journey for Tom, but he doesn't have to go it alone. Old lady Evelyn Murray whom is viewed as a witch or psychic, but certainly ornery comes to his aid by request of his wife Kristi. It is Evelyn, a woman in disguise who tells Tom that he and his wife may be running out of time in a place where time doesn't count. Tom grows to trust Evelyn but soon discovers, not everyone is what they seem across the plane.

Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

Awesome book- a must read~!

Product details

  • File Size 373 KB
  • Print Length 177 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1544837062
  • Publication Date April 8, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B06Y59GFF5

Read  Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

Tags : Across The Plane: Tom Carpenter's Journey eBook: Jake Pixley: Kindle Store,ebook,Jake Pixley,Across The Plane: Tom Carpenter's Journey,Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Death & Dying
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Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley Reviews

Great read! The author is a master at leaving just enough breadcrumbs to entice the reader. I would think I knew the answer, but then as more was revealed, I was constantly revising my thinking. It's a story I will read again. I can't wait to hear Evelyn's story.
Tom Carpenter is living a depressing, repetitive existence mourning the death of his daughter and the loss of wife. But everything changes when a mysterious old woman named Evelyn shows up and offers to help him. "...we must first find the other lost parts of your soul. Some parts get hurt so deeply, they are cast away. It's those little pieces that never let a soul rest." A story of the bonds of love that transcend death.
Keeps you wanting to know what's going to happen next would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read
Very interesting. A quick easy read with depth and reflection.
Awesome book- a must read~!
Ebook PDF  Across The Plane Tom Carpenter Journey eBook Jake Pixley

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